Open Platform System
Educational Applications with Chlorophyll
Late Professor Apblett from Oklahoma State University provides educational applications for undergraduate laboratories and analytical chemistry using our Open Platform System for chlorophyll measurements.

Sunscreen UV Protection
Absorbance spectroscopy sunscreen effectiveness measurements at different dilutions with the Open Platform System (OPS) answers when sunscreen effectiveness ends and why we must reapply sunscreen.

Sunglasses Protection
Using absorbance spectroscopy measures, sunglasses effectiveness can be measured with OPS solid sampler, identifying sunglasses effectiveness and differences between quality of sunglasses for protection.

Chlorophyll in Leafy Vegetables
Our Open Platform System can measure the presence of Chlorophyll in various leaves via liquid extract or solid leaf sample. Our measurements were performed on the leaves of Spinach, Rhubarb, Beetroot, and Parsley, as seen below.

Figure 1. Absorbance graph of blue, yellow, & green food coloring as well as a Spinach extract.

Figure 2. Absorbance graph of green food coloring and a Spinach extract.

Figure 3. Fluorescence measurements of the liquid extracts of Spinach, Rhubarb, Beetroot, and Parsley leaves.

Figure 4. Solid leaf fluorescence measurements of Spinach, Rhubarb, Beetroot, and Parsley

Riboflavin in Milk
The Open Platform System can be used to easily measure organic liquid samples. The presence of Riboflavin in various milk samples were measured using our 365 nm light source.

Figure 1. Fluorescence measurement of a Riboflavin dissolved in distilled water.

Figure 2. Calibration curve of Riboflavin samples from 0 to 100 ppm.

Figure 3. Linear range of Riboflavin concenctrations from 0 to 10 ppm.

Figure 4. Fluorescent measurement of various milk samples.

Figure 5. Fluorescent measurement of various milk samples and Riboflavin samples.

Wilson Analytical Services Inc.
Open Platform System (OPS)