LightPilot is our own software and is included with our spectrometer systems. It is best used for quantitative work.
It has three modes of operation:
- Control mode for creating & modifying calibration curves
- Acquisition mode for measuring samples
- Review mode to display, review, and print data

For data analysis, Wilson recommends Spectragryph - optical spectroscopy software. Additional information is available at The Spectroscopy Ninja.
For those working at academic institutions, they offer direct academic pricing at discounted rates. Otherwise, request pricing here.
The latest update for Ibsen Pebble and Freedom spectrometers for licensed Spectragryph users can be downloaded at the Spectragryph download page.

Other Software
If you are using Ocean Insight (Ocean Optics) spectrometers, our products are fully compatible with OceanView software.
If you are using other spectrometers, feel free to contact us with questions about compatibility.